Prayer Outreaches

God has put it on our hearts to travel from place to place from where we are based in Chelmsford Essex to tell people about the Love of God and offer prayer to *anyone and everyone any anyone so they may experience God’s Love into their own lives. This is not something new as we’ve been outreaching since our inception in 2009. We have outreached in large areas all over Essex, but over the last two years in particular we have been called to mission in the north of England places like, Wetherby, Barnsley, Selby, and Beverly in Yorkshire and more recently we have been outreaching on a Saturday at The Orton’s Shopping centre in Peterborough on a monthly bases. We have seen lives changed by the power of prayer!
Not anyone under 18 or vulnerable adult person without parents or guardians consent beforehand.
If you feel in your heart you would like to get involved as a volunteer please get in touch and will explain in more detail what required. At the same time if you feel you can support us in a financial way please click on our donate button.
Thank you, we value your support!