Suzi’s testimony
How Jesus changed my life

First and foremost Jesus is Lord over my life, I thank him for what he did on the cross. I attended church as a child, it was very strict back then I had a hard childhood to. But I enjoyed Sunday school, I excepted Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Saviour. So glad I did, he never left me nor forsaken me. Even when growing up into my teenage years I was rebellious but through all the darkness and wrong roads I’d travel down I would pray and find hope in this, I unfortunately had to learn the hard way. In my adult years I hit depression I was addicted to alcohol, cigarettes and partying, I had relationships with men not in Gods will. My daughter was born she was a wake up call and blessing. Then in my early 30’s I attended an alpha course which the presence of God touched me powerfully I new I wanted to go in deeper with our father in heaven, he never fails, he is a working all powerful living God. I was baptised born again set-free of depression, alcohol, cigarettes, and my old life style praise God ! And now live in full repentance through Jesus Christ the most high, of ever sin that was holding me back in my destiny for his glory I’VE BEEN TRULY SET FREE HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS.