How it all started

The Prayer Tent
In the summer of 2009 we were loaned a prayer tent by a local church that we were members of for a ‘fun day’ show outreach at Andrews Park in Chelmsford. We had lots of Christian information inside the tent together with some chairs and a small table. Two people we prayed for, one of whom had a serious heart condition received prayer and started to attend church. Two weeks the person with the heart condition had successful heart transplant operation and received Jesus into his life! Towards the end of 2009, God spoke to us again about a bus going from place-to-place and village-to-village. God was saying; “Go out to the people and offer to pray for them”. God spoke to other people from our church at the time as well about a mobile bus ministry.

The Healing Bus
In 2010, so many things went wrong for us and we were really tested. Three people close to us died, but then God said; “Now you can start to work for me”. So we prayed and prayed together for some time about a prayer bus ministry. We particularly asked for clarification from God that this is actually what he wants us to do? Then unexpectedly we received a large anonymous donation in the post which helped us buy a disabled accessible minibus, which was later converted to be used in administering prayer. By September the ministry was ready to go!